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Are you treating your leads like gold?

These are the Glengarry Glen Ross leads and to you they are gold. And you can’t have them. Image Credit: Glengarry Glen Ross How much do you care about the leads (requests from interested potential customers about your product/service) that ...

Pro Level Technique: Proofreading

In the marketing world, proofreading is a crucial skill. Whether you're looking through a proposal, writing content for a site, or building an eBook, it's important to proofread your work with a fine tooth comb. The problem, often when you ...

SEO is about Passion

Another link just came through my email to an interesting article about "Why Link Building Is Not the Future of SEO" followed shortly by an email from Website Magazine about a webinar that will teach you "3 Tactics for Creating ...

Will Tags Inside of Tag Manager Fire For Users With JavaScript Disabled?

We were recently working with a client to clean up all of their tracking and conversion code. Part of that task involved taking all of the code which was placed directly on their site, and moving it inside of Google ...

Set Separate URLs for Desktop and Mobile Traffic in AdWords

How cool is this "new-ish" feature in Google AdWords? We can now set-up mobile specific URLs within the same ad. So a single ad can direct desktop traffic to one URL, and that same ad, when displayed on smartphones, will ...

Automated SEO Audits: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

I’ll shoot straight with you - depending solely on automated machine-made website audits is cheap, dirty and unsatisfying. An automated website audit is the 99¢ drive-thru cheeseburger stuffed in a cheap paper bag, next to the salty fries that mysteriously ...

Your Site Better Be Mobile Friendly by 4/21/2015

Is your site responsive or optimized for mobile? Starting April 21st, if the answer is no, you may see a severe drop-off in traffic from Google. According to a recent webmaster blog post, on that date you will see more mobile ...