The Neglected Website Is Soon Forgotten

You invested in a beautiful website, integrating solid search engine optimization and great quality, original page content.  Your search rankings were great for a while and brought in lots of visitors.  But competitors moved in and stole your rankings.  How?

Build it and they will come.  Neglect it and they will leave.

If you are like many of us, after you built your website and achieved your goals, you moved on to other projects.  But what happens when you leave it alone for too long?  Your website becomes neglected and is soon forgotten.  Your visitor numbers are dropping as fast as your Google search rankings.  Why?

Keep it fresh.  Keep it real.  Stay relevant.

Having a great website is fundamental for solid SEO.  But today’s Google wants even more.  You need to keep your content up to date with timely updates, and it needs to provide a great user experience on a variety of desktop, tablet and mobile phone devices.  Pages need to load fast while being attractive.  Your website needs to be a lean, mean fighting machine.

Check out what Google says about aging websites that do not keep up with the times:

What do?

Take a long hard look at your website.  Think objectively.  Is your content stale and boring?  Do those trick navigation menus seem passé?  And be honest – when visiting your website on your smartphone, does it look like you stepped in something squishy?

Website evolution.

Get yourself strong, reliable website hosting so you have the power to deliver speedy web pages.  Commission a new website using lightweight responsive web design, incorporate solid SEO practices, add social media connectors and build great new modern page content.  Continually nurture and maintain your content – it represents who you are and what you do.

If it’s time for you to take a new path, contact us for assistance.